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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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KS2 Step into the NHS!

This week, our KS2 pupils took part in an exciting and inspiring event - Step into the NHS Day! This nationwide initiative helps young people learn more about the vital work of the NHS and the wide range of careers available within the health service.

Through engaging activities, discussions, and role-play, pupils explored different NHS roles, from doctors and nurses to paramedics, physiotherapists, and even behind-the-scenes jobs such as radiographers and data analysts. They learned how teamwork, dedication, and compassion are essential qualities for those working in healthcare.

One of the highlights of the day was a fun challenge where pupils had to match various NHS careers to their job descriptions, helping them understand just how many people work together to keep our health service running. They also reflected on the importance of the NHS in our everyday lives and thought about the different ways they, too, could help others in the future.

A huge thank you to all NHS staff for their incredible dedication and hard work! Our pupils left the session inspired, with a greater appreciation for the people who care for our communities.